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Information for Faculty

This guide provides information on services that the library provides specifically for LLU faculty members.

Why can’t I just use the URL from the address bar?

This is a how-to page that includes instructions for linking to the full text of articles and e-books for your course.


Permalinks are the easiest way to link to library resources in Canvas, course syllabi, reading lists, websites, and email. A permalink (also called a persistent link, permanent link, stable link, static link, or durable link) is a URL or web address that will consistently point to a specific library resource, such as a full-text article, ebook, ejournal, streaming video, database, or record in a database.

Why should I use permalinks? 

  1. URLs or links that appear in the address bar of your web browser when you search the library's databases may be session-based or search-based and will not work when copied and used at a later time.
  2. Linking to licensed library resources in Canvas, syllabi, and course reading lists is copyright compliant. Linking is recommended over posting digital copies of the full text of an article, a book chapter, or an image. 
  3. Each time a library resource is accessed, a use for that resource is counted. The librarians gather usage statistics and consider usage when making decisions about journal or database cancelations.

How do I create a permalink? 

For most resources we subscribe to, there will be a tab or link to generate the permalink. In OneSearch, this shows up along the right-hand side when viewing a resource (as seen here). Click on that link, and a permalink that you can copy and paste into your resource appears.




Athenize Your Link

Many resources will need to have their links "Athenized" - this also helps make sure that readers can access the resource while off campus. (A list of the databases that require the athenization of links can be found here: Athenize Links.) For these resources, you will retrieve the Permalink from the resource you want to share, copy the link, then paste it into the Athenizer (found on the Open Athens Authentication Guide or on this page) and click "Create Link". Copy the created link and use this in your syllabus and Canvas courses. 

You will NOT need to Athenize your links when they are Permalinks from OneSearch or other Ebsco systems.

If you have any concerns or issues with finding the permalinks or using the Athenizer, please reach out to your liaison librarian!

CINAHL (and other Ebsco databases)

Navigate to the article you want to link. On the right hand side, click Permalink and a URL will appear. Copy and paste this into your resource (there is no need to Athenize links from Ebsco databases).


Navigate to the book, chapter, or article that you want to link. Copy the link from the address bar into the Athenizer, then place the Athenized link into your resource.


Navigate the page you want to link in your resource. Click on "Email Jumpstart".













Copy and paste the URL brought up in the "Email Jumpstart" window into the Athenizer. You can then include the Athenized link into your resource.

PubMed Example

In PubMed, find the article that you want to link to. Click on the purple "LLU & MC" button.









This will bring up the Journal Portal page. If we have it available at LLU, click on the "Article" link.















This should take you to the full-text of the article. Use the URL in the address bar; copy that URL and convert it using the Athenizer. The Athenized link can now be placed in your resource.

Databases to Athenize

You will need to Athenize links to resources found in the following databases:

  • Access Medicine
  • Access Pharmacy
  • Anatomy TV
  • Bates' Visual Guide
  • Bioone Complete
  • Biosis Previews
  • Books@Ovid
  • Britannica Online
  • ClinicalKey
  • ClinicalKey for Nursing
  • Cochrane Clinical Answers
  • Cochrane Library
  • College Source Online
  • Culturegrams Online
  • DynaMed
  • Embase
  • Essential Evidence Plus
  • Facts and Comparisons EAnswers
  • GeoScienceWorld
  • ISABEL - Adult & Pediatrics
  • JBI EBP Database
  • Journal Citation Reports
  • Jove Science Education Database
  • Jove Science Education Database: Neuroscience
  • LWW Health Library - Medical Education
  • LWW Health Library - Pharmacy
  • Methods in Enzymology
  • MicroMedex
  • Natural Medicines
  • OVID
  • Pharmacy Library
  • PubMed@LLU
  • R2 Library
  • Science Citation Index (Web of Science)
  • ScienceDirect
  • Social Science Citation Index (Web of Science)
  • STAT!REF (TDS Health)
  • Thieme Teaching Assistant Anatomy
  • TripPro
  • ULRICHS Periodicals Directory
  • VisualDX
  • Web of Science