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OpenAthens Authentication System: Athenize Your Links

Resources and information for students and faculty to accessing the library's OpenAthens, off-campus authentication system or create OpenAthens-based links


Professors, Canvas administrators, and anyone that links to library resources should convert existing links to OpenAthens-based links, a process called athenizing the link.  This ensures that students and patrons have access to library resources from off-campus. Not athenizing a link can result in the patron being asked to pay for a resource (hitting a paid wall) or going through extra steps in order to access the authorized library resource.  

Most of the time add the OpenAthens prefix, "", to a URL will work however, the Athenizer conversation box below is a more complete method.  It will athenize most links which can then be copied into Canvas or other resources.  The converter takes as input any direct journal article link or a previously formatted WAM-proxy link (the library's previous system).  Links from EBSCO, Gale and ProQuest are an exception. For these publishers, go back to the resource and copy the Permalink provided by the publisher.  The permalinks have been updated to the linking-style necessary for OpenAthens.

If you have any questions or need further assistance, please contact the library's Resource Management department, x44583,

Previously proxied EBSCO links with "login.aspx?" in the URL can be changed to ',shib&custid=lomalin&' + everything else in the URL after the question mark.  For example:

Changes to:,shib&custid=lomalin&direct=true&db=cat08290a&AN=llc.b1292324&site=eds-live&scope=site

Previously proxied EBSCO links with 'direct.asp?' in the URL can be changed to ',shib&custid=lomalin&direct=true&' + everything remaining in the URL after the question mark. For example,

Changes to:,shib&custid=lomalin&direct=true&db=sih&jid=1UXJ&scope=site


You can contact the library's Resource Management department (x44583) if you have any questions or issues.  





Bulk Update

Have a long list of links to Athenize? You can use this command in a spreadsheet:

If your URL is in A1, pop the following formula in B1:


(Unfortunately the ENCODEURL function is not available in the online or Mac versions of MS Excel; but it does work in LibreOffice)