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Information for Faculty

This guide provides information on services that the library provides specifically for LLU faculty members.

Available Canvas Modules

We currently have two modules available for you to download and drop into your Canvas courses. One is a beginner Information Literacy module, providing students with a grounding in basic information literacy skills and providing them with a basic overview of using library resources. The second module is a training module for using PubMed. Both of these modules can be downloaded and dropped into your Canvas courses and you can choose whether to require your students to complete them as part of the class or whether you just offer it as a learning opportunity. You can download these resources here:

Adorée (Hatton) Makusztak


 Research & Instruction Librarian

 Liaison to the School of Allied Health Professions

   and the School of Public Health

 office (909) 558-1000 ext. 47564 · e-mail

 Make an appointment with Adorée