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LLUH Center for Evidence Synthesis

website for LLUH JBI affiliated Center for Evidence Synthesis. Contains LLUH JBI course information.

PRISMA stands for Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses. It is an evidence-based minimum set of items for reporting in systematic reviews and meta-analyses.

PRISMA website

PRISMA Statement

They have created the following PRISMA statements for many areas of the Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis.  You use these STANDARDS when creating and conducting the synthesis research (and you reference them in your methods section of the protocol and the full review!).

FYI: The JBI Methodology is built off the PRISMA statements--so before submitting for peer-review, ENSURE YOU HAVE ADDED REQUIRED PHRASES TO EACH SECTION OF YOUR PROTOCOL OR FULL REVIEW.  You will save yourself a lot of re-writing.

  • PRISMA-P  used when creating the protocol
  • PRISMA 2020  the most updated version and used with systematic reviews and meta-analyses.  The flow chart is horizontal
  • PRISMA-S  the standards for the search strategy, searching, and reporting of your databases (with associated platform)
  • PRISMA-ScR  the standards used when conducting a Scoping Review.

There are many more PRISMA standards for different types of systematic reviews.  Check out the website listed above.