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School of Public Health

This guide is intended as a starting point to library resources and services for students and faculty of the School of Public Health.

Electronic resources

Health Policy sources on the national level...


Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ)  conducts and sponsors research on health care, safety and cost effectiveness.  


Commonwealth Fund  a private foundation that supports independent research for improved health care practice and policy. 


Healthy People  a comprehensive  set of disease prevention and health promotion objectives of the United States.  


Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation (KFF).  This private non-profit foundation focuses on major health care issues facing the nation.  


National Academies of Science, Engineering and Medicine, The:  HMD - is charged with providing evidence-based information on matters of biomedical science, medicine, and health,  


National Conference of State Legislatures (NCSL) This website offers a state perspective on health care issues and informs browsers about new and innovative state bills, laws and programs. 


Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. (RWJF) produces research and data that focus on complex health care issues facing the United States. 


Urban Institute: Health/Healthcare.  gathers and analyzes data, conducts policy research, and evaluate programs and services related to issues of national priority.  


US Department of Health and Human Services: Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA).  HRSA is the primary federal agency for improving access to health care services for people who are uninsured, isolated, or medically vulnerable.  Note the Geospatial Data Warehouse, a resource for reporting and mapping HRSA data.