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School of Public Health

This guide is intended as a starting point to library resources and services for students and faculty of the School of Public Health.

Primary Public Health Databases

Pub Med

  • PubMed Includes 14 million citations for biomedical articles dating back to the 1950s.
  • Use the PubMed@LLU link on the Library home page to access PubMed.  To see if LLU has a specific article, go to the “abstract” display and click on the link to our Journal Portal to see if the article is available from LLU:

The Ebscohost databases

  • Academic Search Premier: A multidisciplinary database for social sciences, humanities, education, general science and multi-cultural journals.  Provides full text for nearly 4,700 publications, including full text for more than 3,600 peer-reviewed journals   

  • Global Health:  Covers all aspects of public health at the international and community level; also includes Nutrition Abstracts

  • Consider EBSCOhost specialty databases for a specific angle to a topic:

    • HAPI : Health and Psychosocial Instruments: Provides records for finding questionnaires, checklists, interview forms, scenarios/vignettes, index measures, projective techniques, rating scales, and tests  

    • PsycInfo, PsycEXTRA, , PsycArticles, PsycBooks (psychological aspects, counseling topics)

    • AgricolaGreenFILE, or GeoRef (for public health topics relating to food, agriculture, ecology, environment)

    • Ageline : Social gerontology and aging-related articles, books, and reports

    • ATLA Religion Database (for religious or spiritual aspects to a topic)

    • CINAHL (CINAHL has a Nursing & Allied Health focus,  but is also excellent for public health topics because it is strong in areas such as health promotion & education, community health topics, nutrition, etc. ) 

    • SocIndex (for sociological or social work-related aspects of public health)

Other Useful databases

Web of Science: Search Science Citation Index & Social Science Citation Index from 1956-Present; Cited Reference Searching to find articles that cite a previously published work

eHRAF: (Collection of Ethnography): Primary source materials on cultures of societies worldwide.

Population Index: Demography, population size and growth, projections and predictions

GoogleScholar: Set your Scholar Preferences to "Find FullText @ LLU&MC"