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School of Pharmacy

This guide has been designed to provide information about library resources available to faculty and students of the School of Pharmacy

Theses/ Dissertations

Finding the full-text of dissertations can be tricky. Dissertations are indexed in many of the library databases, but when they provide the reference from dissertation abstracts, that’s the full-text. The abstract.

To obtain the full-text of a dissertation, here are some ideas.

  1. Submit an ILL request for a thesis or dissertation: To request an ILL is free, however, most institutions (the institution being the place where the author received PhD) do not lend dissertations. But, occasionally some will.
  2. Order the full-text from UMI - Prices range from $46-96
  3. Try to find the author on the web – see if the author has a faculty page at a university. Email and ask for the full-text of the dissertation. Surprisingly, many of the authors are happy to email you their entire dissertation.