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School of Dentistry

This guide is created to support the programs at Loma Linda University, School of Dentistry

Find the Full-Text of an Article

If you have a citation and want to find out if you can access the full-text through the library, follow these steps:

  1. Select the Journal tab from library homepage underneath the main navigation search.
  2. Enter the journal title, or abbreviation in the search box.
  3. From the results list, establish if we have the journal title in the correct year
    1. Is the article available in print (meaning, physically in the library)?  If the only link on the correct result says Del E. Webb Library, then it is available in the library in print only. Come to the library to photocopy it, or request the copy/pull service for a small fee through Interlibrary Loan.
    2. Is the article available full-text on-line?  If the link in the result indicates anything other than Del E. Webb Library, it is available on-line. Just click the link to go to the journal website.
  4. Each provider page looks different.  However the goal is the same; use the citation information to find your exact article and then click on the pdf icon.
    1. Look for a listing of years and look for your article first by year, then subsequently volume, issue, and page or title. Click on the pdf icon.
    2. If a list of years is not apparent on the initial page, look for links to archives, or past issues and then look for your article first by year, then subsequently volume, issue, and page or title. Click on the pdf icon. 

Dentistry Journals Through BrowZine