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Copyright Resources

This guide provides resources for students, researchers, staff, and faculty on copyright law, policies, and guidelines at Loma Linda University.

Connect from Off-Campus

LLU students, faculty, and LLU/MC employees can easily connect to most electronic library resources from off-campus.  

The Login screen (once you click on a database or the fulltext of a journal) gives you two choices:

LLUH Login:

Login with your LLU email username and password.  

LLU faculty/staff and MC employees will need to register for the library.  Request a library account by filling out the online Patron Registration Form.  If unable to complete the online form, fill out the old Patron Registration Form and email it to with a copy of your ID or fax to (909) 558-4188.  For immediate processing, questions, or if you already have an account but it is not working, contact the Circulation Desk at (909) 558-4550.

Students/Faculty having username/password difficulties may contact the Circulation Desk at (909) 558-4550 or the HelpDesk at or (909) 558-1000, x48611.


Libraries Login:


  1. Your first and last name
  2. Your barcode (at the bottom of your ID card)
  3. A PIN -- If you do not have a PIN, leave the PIN box blank when logging in.  The system will walk you through creating a PIN.  If you already have a PIN but cannot remember it, please contact the Circulation Desk at (909) 558-4550.

Services for Distance Program Students

Interlibrary loan services are available for students enrolled in distance programs.

Submit your request via the online form

In the "Special Instructions" field, indicate that you are a distance education student. You will be asked to provide the barcode number on your LLU ID card.

  • Request a book: many books in the library's catalog may be mailed to you. Check the catalog to see which books the library owns.
    • To request a book, click on the Interlibrary Loan link on the library's website and select "book". In the "Special Instructions" field, indicate that you are a distance education student and provide your mailing address.  Return all books by the due date given.
    • Books must be returned via insured mail to the following address:

Interlibrary Loan
Del E. Webb Memorial Library
11072 Anderson St. Loma Linda, CA 92350-0001

  • Request an article If the library owns the article, the fee is $.10 per page. If the library does not own the article the fee is typically $11.00 +tax. Some articles not owned by the library may be available for $.10 per page. Fees incurred will be charged to your student account.
    • To request an article, click on the interlibrary loan link on the library's website and select "article." In the "special instructions" field, indicate that you are an off-campus student and provide your mailing address.

Reference support:

A reference librarian is available for questions using the phone number listed below.

If you call during a time the reference desk is closed, leave a message. Reference questions may also be submitted by email to the address listed below.

Reference librarians are available for literature searches.

  • Click on the "Library services" button from the library's website Select the "Free literature searches" option, complete the form and submit the request. A librarian will search your topic, find related references and email back the results (please allow at least one office day for results delivery).

How to contact the library

  • Mail: Del E. Webb Memorial Library, 11072 Anderson St., Loma Linda, CA 92350-0001
  • Phone: (909) 558-4550
  • Fax: (909) 558-4188
  • Email: for a reference librarian; for the interlibrary loan office.


Before you get AccessMedicine on your mobile device, you must first create an account:

  1. Go to AccessMedicine as you normally would through the library site (if you are off campus, you will be asked to log in using your University Login).
  2. When you are in the AccessMedicine database, click on “Loma Linda University" on the upper right hand corner.
  3. Complete the registration form, create your username and password, and save.
  4. Download the app from the App Store or Google Play and login using your new personal login.

For continued access to the app, you must have an active My Access account and sign in every 90 days on campus, or through a VPN.


BrowZine allows you to browse, read and follow thousands of the library’s scholarly journals available at or from your Android and iOS mobile devices. Built to compliment your searching needs, BrowZine provides a great mechanism to keep track of your favorite journals and to learn about the new developments in your field. It also can allow you to easily see similar titles to the ones you are familiar with in order to broaden your knowledge of related scholarly literature.


With BrowZine, you can:

  • Browse and read journals:  browse journals by subject, easily review tables of contents, and download full articles.
    • Aggregator Platforms: access to supported publishers via EBSCO, ProQuest, and Ovid platforms (available in November).
  • Create your own bookshelf:  add journals to your personal bookshelf and be notified when new articles are published.
    • New Article Notification: be notified when new articles are published (available in November for iOS and early 2014 for Android).
  • Save and export articles:  Save articles for off-line reading or export to services such as DropBox, Papers, Mendeley, RefWorks, Zotero, and more.

Getting started is easy!  Visit or search for BrowZine in your device’s app store.

Download BrowZine to your tablet for free.  When initially launching BrowZine, select Loma Linda University (or Loma Linda Medical Center for MC users) from the drop down list.  Enter your LLUAHSC credentials (same as LLU email login) and start exploring BrowZine!

Don't want another app?  Try BrowZine Web:

If asked to login, use your LLU email username and password.

ClinicalKey App

Download the ClinicalKey app for Android

Download the ClinicalKey app for Apple iOS

  1. Access ClinicalKey while on campus. From the home page, click the Register link and register using your LLU email.  
  2. Open the App Store on your mobile device.
  3. Search for “ClinicalKey” and install at no charge.
  4. Log in using your the username and password you created when you registered in step 2.
  5. You will now have full access to the materials Loma Linda University subscribes to.


To use the DynaMed  app, you must first create a remote (personal) account from within the DynaMed interface while on a campus computer, or while connected to campus Wi-Fi. After creating a personal account, download the DynaMed  app from the iTunes or Google Play app store and then authenticate using your personal account user name and password.

Note: It is recommended that you are on a Wi-Fi connection for the initial download of DynaMed  content as well as when updates become available.

To download and authenticate the DynaMed app:

  1. Access DynaMed while on campus.
  2. From the DynaMed home page, click on the account icon in the upper right.
  3. Create an Account in the box that appears.
  4. On the Register for a Personal Account screen, enter an Email Address and Password to be used as your log in credentials.
  5.  Download the DynaMed app from the iTunes or Google Play app store. 
  6. On the Login screen for the app, enter your Personal Account credentials. 


  1. In a browser, go to the library’s database page (if you are off-campus you will be asked to login -- use your LLU email login):
  2. Click on Isabel-Adult or Isabel-Pediatrics
  3. On the Isabel site, you will see a QR code to scan.  Follow the instructions below for your device.

On iPhone and iPad:

  1. Launch the Camera app on your device.
  2. Point it at the QR code you want to scan.
  3. Look for the notification banner at the top of the screen.
  4. Tap on it to open Isabel
  5. Tap on the share button (small square button with an arrow in it - middle bottom of the screen)
  6. Scroll right, left or up depending on the version of iOS you have to find the “Add to home screen”.

On Android:

  1. Get a QR reader on the Play Store if you do not have one.
  2. Download and open the QR Code Reader.
  3. Line up the QR code in the camera frame.
  4. Tap OK to open the website.
  5. Open the Android menu (three dots on the top righthand side of the screen) to find the “Add to home screen”’.


If you would like to use EBSCOhost databases (Academic Search Premiere, CINAHL, ERIC, SOCIndex, etc) on your mobile device, you can! EBSCOhost Mobile provides seamless access to the EBSCOhost (ehost) or EBSCO Discovery Service (EDS) interfaces via mobile devices without the need to download an application.  Simply access the library's EBSCOhost resources from mobile device browser and a mobile-friendly version of the site will display.  Login as you usually would with your LLU username/password (usually what you would use for LLU email). 

If you would prefer to use the available app for iPhone/iPod Touch/iPad and Android, below you will find links to download it from iTunes and Google Play, authentication instructions, and links to online Help pages that describe how to use the app.

iPhone/iPod Touch/iPad:

The iOS version of the EBSCOhost App is available as a free download from iTunes at the following link: EBSCOhost App on iTunes

To authenticate the EBSCOhost app:

  1. Go to your preferred EBSCOhost database as you normally would through the LLU library site.

  2. Click the EBSCOhost iPhone and Android Applications link at the bottom of the page and enter an email address which you can access from your device. An email with an authentication key is sent to you.

  3. Access the email from your device and click the link found in the email to authenticate the application. You have 24 hours to access the key from your device to authenticate the app. If the key is not used within 24 hours, it expires and you will need a new key.

Help for the iPhone/iPod Touch/iPad App:


The Android version of the EBSCOhost app is available as a free download from Google Play at the folllowing link: EBSCOhost App on Google Play

To authenticate the EBSCOhost app:

  1. Go to your preferred EBSCOhost database as you normally would through the LLU library site.
  2. Click the EBSCOhost iPhone and Android Applications link at the bottom of the page and enter an email address which you can access from your device. An email with an authentication key is sent to you.
  3. Access the email from your device and click the link found in the email to authenticate the application. You have 24 hours to access the key from your device to authenticate the app. If the key is not used within 24 hours, it expires and you will need a new key.

Help for the Android App:


  • The new Micromedex App for Apple and Android devices is included with LLU's Merative Micromedex Drug content subscription.
  • You can access these apps via the App Store (Apple devices), or Google Play® (Android devices).
  • You can activate the app by following the simple instructions below.

Instructions for installation when on campus:

  • Step 1: Visit the App Store from your device and search Micromedex.
  • Step 2: From the App Store, select download/install the application. You may be prompted to enter your Apple or Google ID.
  • Step 3: The Micromedex app will download to your app library or directly to your device.
  • Step 4: Open the app. The app will display an activation code. Copy the code by tapping on the copy icon to the right of the code. Tap on "Activate Now" button on your app.
  • Step 5: Enter the provided activation code. Click "Activate Device". Begin using the app.

Instructions for installation when off campus:

  • Step 1: Visit the App Store from your device and search Micromedex.
  • Step 2: From the App Store, select download/install the application. You may be prompted to enter your Apple or Google ID.
  • Step 3: The Micromedex app will download to your app library or directly to your device.
  • Step 4: Open the app. The app will display an activation code. Copy the code by tapping on the copy icon to the right of the code. Tap on "Activate Now" button on your app.
  • Step 5: If it asks for you to login, click on the Open Athens authentication and login using your Loma Linda credentials.
  • Step 6: Enter the provided activation code. Click "Activate Device". Begin using the app.


PubMed does not have a mobile app. To ensure you can still get full-text, access PubMed here.  Click on the article title from the results and then click on the Full-text links button.








A window will pop up with our purple button to click for full-text: undefined


STAT!Ref is a clinical information resource with full text access to key medical reference sources and textbooks including:

  • Nursing, Dentistry, Pharmacology, and Medical Specialty titles
  • AHFS Drug Information
  • Essential Evidence Plus
  • Specialist textbooks
  • Drug references
  • Medical dictionaries
  • MedCalc 3000 (calculation tools and decision trees)

After downloading the app, get your username and password by following the directions in the box below.

STAT!Ref iPhone and iPad App

The STAT!Ref Mobile App allows you to access your institution's Stat!Ref subscription from your iPhone and iPad.  The STAT!Ref Mobile App can be downloaded FREE from the iTunes App Store by clicking here:!ref/id474559171?mt=8

STAT!Ref Android™ App

The STAT!Ref Mobile App allows you to access your institution’s STAT!Ref subscription from your Android™ smartphone as well as other devices with the Android™ OS such as the Kindle Fire by Amazon Digital Services.The STAT!Ref Mobile App can be downloaded FREE by clicking here:

After downloading the STAT!Ref Mobile App, in order to access your institution’s existing subscription, you must create a personal username and password. To connect to your subscription via the STAT!Ref Mobile App, follow these steps:

Step 1: CREATE a TDS Health Profile Account

Access your TDS Health subscription as you normally would using an official login method. This would be authentication based on the IP addresses of your institution and/or full user accounts usually via a desktop or laptop computer while at your institution or through a proxy server login (using your institutional login).

Click the Profile link above the search bar. If you have already created a Profile account (formerly called a My STAT!Ref account) skip down to Step 4. If you do not have a Profile account, click Register. 

  • Enter your first name and last name.
  • Enter an email address. This becomes your username and must be entered in its entirety.
  • Create and confirm a password, which must contain at least 8 characters.
  • Click “Remember me on this computer (uses cookies).” • Click “Register Now.”

Step 2: ACTIVATE Your Login

  • Activate your username and password as an Anywhere Login Account. By activating the Anywhere Login Account, you’ll be enabling your username and password to open the app.
  • Go to the “Welcome” and your name drop down and click “Anywhere Login Account.” • Click the “Activate” button.
  • Make note of the expiration date of your Anywhere Login Account. You will need to access TDS Health using the Renew instructions below to renew your Anywhere Login Account. You CANNOT do this from the mobile app.

Step 3: ENABLE Your Mobile App Using Your Anywhere Login Account

  • Download the FREE app for STAT!Ref from iTunes, Google Play or Amazon App store.
  • On your mobile device go to Apps and tap on the STAT!Ref icon.
  • Enter your email address as your username and the password you created. The password is case sensitive. You can choose to save your login information to your device.
  • You have now enabled your app. An expiration email reminder for users of Anywhere Login Accounts are sent 10 days and then again 1 day prior to expiration. You can still renew even if your login expires. You just won’t be able to use the app until you renew the Anywhere Login Account. You CANNOT do this from the mobile app. Use the RENEW instructions in Step 4 to renew your Anywhere Login Account. Once renewed, your app will be active again.
  • If you never receive an email from us you may have a typo in the email address you entered or you did not use an active or legitimate email address when you signed up.