Permission from copyright holders is often needed when creating course materials, research papers, and Web sites. You need to obtain permission when you use a work in a way that infringes on the exclusive rights granted to a copyright holder, i.e., reproducing part or all of a copyrighted work outside the boundaries of acceptable fair use.
Steps that need to be followed to obtain permission to use copyrighted material:
In the event a publication is not covered under the Annual Academic Copyright License,call the Interlibrary Loan Office OR fill out the Copyright Clearance Request Form and we will facilitate requesting permissions and paying the CCC copyright charges, which we will charge back to your department.
You can also search and obtain permissions using CCC's pay-per-use services.
If material you want to use is not covered by the AACL, then check with the library to see if the use may be covered by a license that the library has for the resource. To check the license contact the Resource Management Librarian, Shirley Rais (, or x44583). Some points to remember about licensed resources: