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Seventh-day Adventist Periodical Index and Obituary Index: How to Search

How to search the SDA Periodical Index

  1. Click on the Search SDA Periodical Index tab in this LibGuide.
  2. In the box for SDAPI, Enter a search term.
    1. Title
    2. Author—best if last name, first name
    3. Key words


  • Please note this is a full text search of the index citation so results will come back for any occurrence of the words you enter much as is done with a Google search. 


  • Please note the search does not search the content of the articles associated with the citation, it searches only the citation descriptors.


  1. Click on Search.


            Notes about the results.

  • Here are the results of your search.  You are now in the Andrews University James White Library’s online catalog, but your search results are limited to only results from the SDA Periodical Index. 
  • Along the left side of the result window are various ways to ”Refine,” limit, or focus your search.  If you wish to expand your search results beyond the SDA Periodical Index, you can do so via unchecking or checking the available “facets” to your search that will yield more or less results.
  • The first expansion you can do is to click on the “X” at the top of the “Refine By” column on the left.  This will expand the results of your search to include all hits available to the library search software.  Then you can click on other check boxes to refine or focus your search.
  • You may quickly lose ready access to your initial search box in this LibGuide.  You can always redo your initial search directly in the Library catalog and get back to the first list by refining your results to the SDA Periodical Index, one of the facets or limits along the left side of the window.


How to Search the SDA Obituary Index

  1. Click on the Search SDA Obituaries Search tab in this LibGuide.
  2. In the box for SDOBI, enter a search term.
    1. Name [either normal order or last name, first name]
    2. Date  [format is:  yyyy mm dd where the month is the number of the month, not the name—i.e. October = 10]


  • Please note this is a full text search of the index citation so results will come back for any occurrence of the words or numbers you enter much as is done with a Google search. 


  1. Click on Search.


            Notes about the results.

  • Here are the results of your search.  You are now in the Andrews University James White Library’s online catalog, but your search results are limited to only results from the SDA Obituary Index. 
  • Along the left side of the result window are various ways to ”Refine,” limit, or focus your search.  If you wish to expand your search results beyond the SDA Obituary ndex, you can do so via unchecking or checking the available “facets” to your search that will yield more or less results.
  • The first expansion you can do is to click on the “X” at the top of the “Refine By” column on the left.  This will expand the results of your search to include all hits available to the library search software.  Then you can click on other check boxes to refine or focus your search.
  • You may quickly lose ready access to your initial search box in this LibGuide.  You can always redo your initial search directly in the Library catalog and get back to the first list by refining your results to the SDA Obituary Index, one of the facets or limits along the left side of the window.